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WARNING: I think that we know by now that there MAY be some spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #68 “Deaths”. So be aware!


Now, Spider-Man has gotten himself into some dicey situations before and this is no different. Juggernaut, or Cain Marko as some people love to remember him as is fighting the X-Men. This is because of the reality-consuming Blight is playing puppet master. As Juggernaut attempts to not kill his fellow superheroes, he is protected by the Blight’s touch thank to the demonic Cyttorak. 


Written by Christos Gage and art by Mark Buckingham, this new comic lacks in a few areas. First of all, where is Spider-Man? When you look at this issue as an X-Men comic with some badass fighting of Juggernaut, than you won’t be disappointed. However, this fails in comparison to the other issues that have come out as of late. Granted Juggernaut is a beast and deserves a lot of credit what he does to help the kid, but why have the name of “Spider-Man” on it without having the masked wonder in the issue to begin with? With that being said, it is still a solid book to pick up and read.


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